Wow, this is kinda last blogger post!! Kristine did overtime getting my new domain up today, and Blue Roses is all set up over there. So, without further ado...
Head on over to Blue Roses' new home at! I'll be there waiting for you.
I am SO sleepy! LOL Wow. I think the interview went well...only took about 25 minutes or so. They asked me questions about Gilliangels (they asked where I got the idea, I said it was based on one for Gillian that I had expanded so that more people could get involved, kinda implying that it wasn't for Gillian anymore. And it's not. It's for Gillian and nsync. ; ) ), about my major, previous jobs, and my knowledge of German. I'm really hoping I get this job, so cross your fingers for me.
So I got back around 11:15, and have been writing ever since. Got about two pages done...I think I'm heading towards a quick wrap-up, if I ever can get myself to write the next paragraph. LOL But beyond that, I've been playing with my new domain name. Everything is almost ready, I think, for my blog, so expect a new address sometime this week. YAY!! It was a lovely Christmas present from my Lady K, that took me and Kate weeks and weeks to name, when the name we ended up with is, like, so obvious for us. LOL
I LOVE this Buffy...I Only Have Eyes For You. Makes me cry every time. <.g> And Angel just said a line I have on my computer..."I just love to see you smile." LOL Actually, I combined two of his lines to make my startup sound, "Hello, lover. I just love to see you smile." <.g> EW! Snakes! I forgot this part.
Whoa, it snowed! LOL Wow. I didn't notice a thing when I opened my curtains. But I just looked out, and saw white on my balcony. And then on the trees. So I walked over and everything is covered in white. LOL Not a lot of white, but definitely more than was there at midnight, when there was none. <.g> Freaky.
So I've got just over three pages, typed, of my story done, not including the ending that I already wrote. And do you know what happens? A lot of introduction. LOL I think I fell asleep just as I was getting to a real plot starting. <.g> Oh, well, I have all day today. After my interview. For which I am very very nervous. <.sigh> But I'm going to do my best and that's all I can do, right? I can't wait until it's over.
<.whimper> I finally am back and able to watch TCM's Silent Sundays. I love silent movies. They're usually only about 90 minutes, so I figured I'd have no probem staying up to watch tonight. Then I watched the intro. The movie is a classic Erich von Stroheim called Greed, from 1924. His original cut was 9.5 hours. The studio of course asked him to cut it down, which he did, to 4 hours. Then they took editing away from him and brought it down to 2.5, which was pretty much a travesty and destroyed his vision. The other 7 hours of footage have sadly been lost since then, but some film historians found his original shooting script and lots of production stills. And recreated the four hour version. How the hell am I going to stay up to 3 am watching this movie?! LOL What lovely timing...I get a chance to watch and they put on one of the longest silent movies ever made! Ah, well. I guess we'll see how much of my story I can get done while I watch.'s kinda hard to just listen to a silent movie. <.g> Ooops. Maybe it'll distract me from my total and complete nervousness about this interview tomorrow morning. <.sigh>
Today is such a nothing day. LOL It's cloudy and gloomy and grey out. So I've written the first page and the last page of the story, and need to get my ass in gear to finish the middle. That's it. That's all I've done. Well, and read fic. <.g> I didn't take a shower, I'm still in pajamas, and I haven't eaten yet. Isn't that awful? Oh, well. Maybe I'll go down and make a tuna sandwich and keep on with my story. I'm loving it, but so far, it's very elf-centered. Lysandra needs a personality, stat! LOL
I slept late today! That's fun. <.g> I don't get to tomorrow, since I have the 11am interview. For which I'm pretty damn nervous. ACK! <.sigh> Today's gonna be spent writing my little fairytale, which will hopefully go fast. And then the Golden Globes are on tonight...along with the premiere of nsync's Chili's commercial. LOL I'm hoping West Wing and Moulin Rouge have strong showings this year. Although now that I said that, they won't win anything. <.g>
Hmmmm, I feel like breakfast. Anyone wanna come over for blueberry pancakes? LOL
Lance was SO CUTE on MadTV. LOL And Joey was on, too, and he sang! Happiness! <.g> But the Lance bit was so cute, where she was interviewing both him and the show's Lance Bass, who insisted he was the real one. So Lance was asking him questions, "Just between us Lance Basses." LOL Pretty damn silly. And they really do have the same big Hollywood grins. LOL And then I watched my Saturday night cooking shows, until mom came on to ask who the hot guy singing on SNL was (Julian Casablancas of The Strokes, BTW). She's so cute...she likes to have a general knowledge of whatever I'm into so she knows what I'm talking about, but she's taking this pretty far, way farther than she ever did for XFiles, that's for sure. LOL She's really excited about Real World this season. And she watched Becoming, too. So MTV has joined her channel list, which had previously been the news networks, the Turner channels, and HGTV. LOL Much fun.